London swimming group


Welcome to London swimming group

    The sessions takes place Tuesdays and Fridays between 8:00 to 9:00 AM at Park Road Pools leisure Centre Lido.

To join the session, you should to be able to swim 50m continuously, and to cover a distance of 1000m in average in one hour.

The class is designed for swimmers who want to develop the correct swimming technique which will help them to become faster and more confident to swim in open water.

    We also welcome advanced swimmers who wants to improve endurance for open water events like triathlon and long distance swimathon.

    During the session you will perform a variation of drills and intervals on different intensities that develops the cardiovascular system and increases stamina.

    The swimmers use aids (flippers, hand paddles, kick boards etc.)  You can bring your equipment where else will be provided temporarily by the club. You must were swimming goggles (not mask) and preferable a swimming hat. 

    Feedback will be provided during and after the session and coaches will take a video of the swimmers for the feedback purposes (subject of member’s consent).

    Before attending the first session is compulsory to fill out the Pre-Activity Reading Questionnaire form on the next link Sign Up Here

        For additional details please send us a text by using the WhatsApp button.

For rates and payment please go to Price List page.

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